Brian Edelman, Cybersecurity Expert and FCI CEO on a panel at FSI OneVoice, New Orleans, Tuesday, Jan. 29, 2019, 3:00 PM.
Uncovering the Truth About Cybersecurity
Both the frequency and magnitude of cybersecurity threats continues to grow. All business leaders need to be focused on protecting customer data and investing the right resources in cybersecurity. This session will discuss business strategies for protecting customer data, from both a systems and business process perspective, while balancing the cost of this evolving landscape.
Panel Includes:
• John Brady, Senior Vice President, Cyber Security, FINRA
• Brian Edelman, Chief Executive Officer, FCI
• Leon Johnson, CISO, SVP, Infrastructure and Technology, Securities America, Inc.
• Pablo Martinez, Head Cyber Operations, Fidelity Clearing & Custody Solutions
• Moderator: Mark Schlesinger, CIO, Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc