Data Security: Staying Ahead of the Curve

Brian Edelman, Financial Computer CEO.
Speaker at TD Ameritrade LINC 2015 Conference.
January 28-31, 2015 in San Diego, CA.

Brian Edelman, founder of Financial Computer, spoke on a panel with some of the industry’s top security experts about cybersecurity at the National LINC 2015 TD Institutional conference. Brian covered what NIST is and how it effects the financial adviser. Brian is a nationally recognized cybersecurity expert in the financial services industry for many years.


The conference panel, called “Data Security: Staying Ahead of the Curve” gave financial advisers the information they need to keep themselves secure against cyber-attacks. Speakers on the panel included Bryan Baas: Director, Risk Oversign and Control from TD Institutional, Susan Boudrot: Managing Director, Chief Compliance Officer from TD Institutional and Joel Bruckenstein: Publisher from Technology Tools for Today (T3).